Our Projects...
Hadımköy Biotechnology Building Lighting Automation and Scada System
Flat Automation, Lighting-Socket-Blind Control, Interkom System
300 Beds Hospital Lighting and Energy Automation Systems
155 Flats and 51 Hotel Rooms Automation System
Kasımpaşa Hilton 200 Hotel Rooms and Public Areas Automation System
Building Management System, Solar, Wind Energy Automation Systems
Ataşehir Halkbank Building Lighting Automation System
Ford Otosan Car Washing Automation and Scada System
Maslak Head Office Building Lighting Automation and Scada System
Building Management Automation and Scada System
Lighting Automation, Hotel Room Automation and Scada System
300 Beds Mardin Hospital Lighting Automation and Scada System
Archive Building Lighting Automation and Scada System
300 Beds Hospital Lighting - BMS Automation Scada System
Kayseri Courthouse Lighting Automation and Scada System
Hospital Energy Automation and Scada System
Çerkezköy Factory Energy Automation and Scada System
Lighting Automation and Scada System
Lighting Automation and Led Presentation
Dali Dimmable Lighting Automation System
Lighting Automation System
Lighting Automation and Scada Systemi
Lighting Automation and Scada System
BMS Automation and Scada System
Lighting, Energy Automation and Scada System
Peak Hotel Taksim Room Automation System
Lighting, BMS, Energy Automation and Scada System
Lighting, BMS, Energy Automation and Scada System
Lighting, BMS, Energy Automation and Scada System
Lighting, BMS, Energy Automation and Scada System
Lighting Automation and Scada System
Lighting Automation and Scada System
Lighting, Energy Automation and Scada System
TAI TUSAŞ Energy Automation and Scada System
Building Automation System and Scada System
Energy - Lighting Automation and Scada System
Lighting Automation and Scada System
Energy Automation System
Solar Automation System and Dynamic Web Server
Şehreküstü Tunnel Fan Automation and Scada System
T1-T2 Tunnel Fan Automation and Scada System
Toyota Building Ortaköy BMS Automation System
Energy Automation and Scada System
Pirelli Gebze Factory Energy Automation and Scada System